Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ok I was tramatized!

So I haven't written any blogs since Athena got all "chewed up" by the horrible neighbor dog. Athena is well on the mend and so am I. I will back on track..... more to come.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Emergency room puplates 7/4/09

I didn't have a Happy 4th of July and neither did my dog Athena. I was getting ready to leave for my 12:30 pilates session with Olivia. I let Athena out the door as I have for the past 5 years to go to the bathroom in the grass patch in front of our apartment. I heard that the new dog to the complex (a ginger Golden Retriver) named Roxy was outside and was barking at Athena. Her owner is this small women.... that is all I will say about her except that she was wearing Juicy couture sweats and a "JC Chavez" trucker hat. I am not fond of her....I will leave it at that.
By the time I got outside.. the women had "lost control"
of her dog and her dog picked Athena up by her neck and began to shake her around. Athena was screaming. I grabbed the retriever and tried to pull her back by the collar. It didn't work so I had to pry her mouth of Athena's neck. I told the idiot girl to grab her dog and when I went to grab Athena.. she "lost control" of her dog again and the retriever picked Athena up by her neck AGAIN... I had to once again pry the horrible mutt's mouth off of Athena. It was a fucking nightmare... I wasn't sure if Athena was going to die.. that how bad it was. Once I put Athena down she ran under the bed because she was so scared. I was so relieved to see her run under the bed because I wasn't sure if she had any broken bones. The "women" stopped by and aplogized telling me that her dog is usually nice to other dogs and people. This isn't true... I was just telling Olivia yesterday that that dog tried to bite ME the other day. The girl doesn't walk to the dog because she said that she "lost control" of her dog once and she was hit by a car. The dog doesn't get any exercise at all and she often just has the dog sit outside her apartment door with the leash tied to the knob. I don't think that people like that should be allowed to have a dog. I am trying to handle the situation with grace but it is really hard. I love Athena as if she was my child. The girl offered to "help" with the bill but mentioned that she was unemployed and can't promise anything. I think that I am going to write her a letter and express my concern for her dog. After hours in the emergency vet and $336 later Athena was given 4 staples in one would and had the other wound cleaned and sterilized. She is spacey and not yet herself but she is going to pull through. I know have to share a space with that stupid women and her horrible dog!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Runyon Canyon 7/3/09

We slept in an paid the price. We walked to Runyon Canyon with Athena. (it is a 15 minute uphill walk just to get there). It was so hot that Steve and I only got two thirds up the steep side before we turned around. I so close to barfing it wasn't funny. I am glad that we got the exercise but now I have a heat headache. I just wasn't meant for the sun!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Griffith Park Hike with Ollie and the kids 6/20/09

Through a freak occurrence (Olivia and I both had a Saturday off) we finally went on a hike in Griffith park. We got to explore the old Zoo that is "closed" to the public. I thought that it was cool and creepy. We ended up walking around for close to 3hrs... gooooo us!!

Irish dancing without my O'hare 6/21/09

I went to Irish dance this Sunday with the knowledge that Olivia will not longer be taking class. This makes me sad because Olivia is one of my very best friends and Irish dance has always been something that "we" do. Joking with her is part of what makes class fun. But Olivia is worried that Irish dance is making it impossible for her foot injury to heal. Olivia is a very talented improvised dancer she is smart to protect her body from injury. I totally understand her decision. But is sucks to be in class without her. boo hoo... poor me :)

Back on the bike6/21/09 and 6/23/09

So Steve and I decided that we were going to a Century ride last year in order to raise money for heart and stroke research. A century ride is 100 miles and it takes as much training as a marathon. We started out strong last year..biking all the time. We even did the a half century by participating in the LA River Ride... but then life happened... I am not sure when the exact moment when we completely stopped biking but I am sure that it was a mixture of our crazy schedules mixed with stress and laziness. So we basically stopped riding our bikes for a full year. The weather has been so beautiful lately and we have at long last been inspired to once again put on our padded shorts and hit the roads. I want to actually finish a century this year. I am planning to start looking for a century for us to ride in December or January. I am trying to not let the fear that we will quit again dominate my thoughts. It is very challenging especially on your butt and hands but I love riding a bike. I am hoping that if I register for a century ride and pay the entry fee that we will be inspired to keep up our training and drag our asses out of bed!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

No Pilates Pictures please - 5/13/09

DAMN... I did three different pilates classes over the last week and I forgot my camera all three times. I was bummed because my oldest sister Jodi came with me to pilates and she had never done pilates before. She actually did great and made it through a very challenging class. Rock on Jodi!

Since I don't have any pictures of pilates... I will share my Universal Studios pics. Jodi and I walked our asses off that day so it counts :)